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Scanning for Medical

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A complete solution: Get patient files onto your computer

Whether you’re moving to EMR, or simply trying to clear out the paper clutter, RSRS can scan your paper files with no disruption to your workflow, giving you instant accessibility to your patient records while freeing up office space and time.

  • Scanned files work with – or without – an EMR / ECM
  • Retrieve records in 3 seconds
  • Free up valuable office space
  • Save on staffing, equipment, printing, copying and postage
  • Protect patient records from disaster
  • Compliantly store records for as long as required
  • Search by keyword in easy-to-use digital files
  • Quality assurance checks, guaranteed work, and quick turn-around times
  • PIPEDA officer on staff
  • RSRS is physician-managed and has been consulting on confidential document management projects since 1997

image of a stack of medical file folders
Our recommendation is that you NOT scan all your patient records but instead, determine where scanning makes the most sense. RSRS can help you discern the most cost-effective and compliant scanning, storage and shredding strategy for your practice.

For a free consultation, contact an RSRS medical scanning expert at 1‑888‑563‑3732, Ext 2 or email info@rsrs.com.

“The files were scanned very accurately. During the scanning process when we needed a chart, it was only a phone call away–it was immediately transferred to us electronically, password protected, and available for access. I would highly recommend RSRS to any of my colleagues who are looking to make their paper files electronically accessible.”
— Dr. Edward Margolin MD

Moving to EMR?

RSRS scans your paper records.

Imaging your patient records and maintaining them in electronic form is an integral part of moving into the new age of healthcare.

At RSRS, we have developed a comprehensive medical record scanning solution to get you on your way to a paperless practice. RSRS provides both paper and electronic storage & retrieval solutions. Whether you’re moving to EMR, or simply trying to clear out the paper clutter, RSRS can scan your paper records and give you accessibility in ways you’ve never experienced before. Not only can you find a record by patient name; you can find test results from years ago; and you can find a single reference to a single typewritten word contained “somewhere” in the record.

Conversion of paper files is a large, time-consuming task requiring specialized skills and impeccable organization.
RSRS runs a full scanning bureau, with full time staff running RSRS’ own equipment for digital imaging conversions. All backup documents are securely retained in our “vault” for immediate disaster recovery. RSRS assures minimal disruption to daily work flow and activities.

For a free consultation, contact an RSRS medical scanning expert at 1‑888‑563‑3732, Ext 2 or email info@rsrs.com.

In this letter of reference for RSRS, Dr. Marla Shapiro describes the challenges faced by medical practices looking to scan paper files and the solution to her scanning problems:

Scan your paper documents and move your entire medical practice to EMR
“I highly recommend RSRS for your scanning and storage needs. It was a complete pleasure working with the team.”
— Dr Marla Shapiro CCFP, MHSc, FRCP, FCFP, NCMP

Letter of Reference

Dr Marla Shapiro CCFP, MHSc, FRCP, FCFP, NCMP
Associate Professor
Department of Family and Community Medicine University of Toronto
3292 Bayview Avenue, Ste. 105
Toronto, ON M2M 4J5

March 28, 2011

Letter of Reference RSRS – Record Storage & Retrieval Services Inc.,

Re: Scanning of Patient Records

For those of you who have or are thinking about making the move from paper charts to an EMR, one word comes to mind-DAUNTING! Indeed the task is at first but once I got going I could clearly see the advantage to my practice and time management. But what to do with close to 30 years of charts and a loyal patient population that translated into reams of paper!?

That is where RSRS came in. They swept in and took all my charts, scanning them and then installing them as archives on all my computers.

Whenever I want to access an old chart, I easily locate the file and using a key word and search can easily find that consult note or result I need from previous years in a moment! I can access my charts on my laptop be it in the office, my home or anywhere in the world.

I only have one question….why didn’t I do this years ago!!??

RSRS has a great professional team to work with. During the transition of scanning, when I needed to access an off premise chart for an insurance report etc, they made sure I could. I highly recommend RSRS for your scanning and storage needs. It was a complete pleasure working with the team.

Dr Marla Shapiro