RSRS stores the medical records of Dr. Shahira Boulos. To request a certified copy of your personal medical record, please fill in the Medical Record Request Form and RSRS will contact you as soon as possible.
5 important reasons to keep a copy of your medical record:
- You’ll avoid duplicate medical tests
- You can track the history of past illnesses, medications, vaccinations, procedures and exams
- You can share your medical history when you travel
- You’ll ensure that you have a copy long before the information is destroyed or shredded
- You have a legal right to a copy of your medical record (in most cases)
RSRS supports patient proactivity.
For all the reasons listed above and many others, RSRS encourages you to keep a copy of your personal medical record(s). For more information, contact RSRS at 1‑888‑563‑3732, Ext. 1.